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Industry news

stainless steel mesh can save lives in a critical moment

Time:2019-11-07 Views:3183

There are 6 to 8 stainless steel hooks fixed more than 10 cm below the manhole cover, which can withstand 150 kg weight. If the depth of the well is less than 2 meters, add 1 anti-fall net; if the depth of the well is more than 2 meters, add 2 anti-fall nets

Another rainy season is coming, how to let everyone travel safely?

Perhaps you remember something like the touching scene of a sanitation worker or ordinary passer-by standing by a manhole whose lid had been washed away by the rain, reminding citizens to be careful when they passed by.

The inspection well shall be equipped with anti-falling nets

Yesterday morning, in zhongliangshan huayan temple on a section of the sidewalk, the district municipal administration of zhongliangshan management staff to reporters and citizens to show the role of anti-falling well nets.

After a worker opened a sewage manhole cover, a green hexagonal net bag was fixed more than 10 cm below the manhole cover through a stainless steel hook.Workers then stand on the net, which holds steady even when shaken slightly.Reporters noted that even if there is sewage back overflow in the manhole cover, through the hook fixed on the cement hexagonal net, the possibility of falling off is quite small.

"The mesh of this kind of net bag is small, uniform, acid and alkali resistant, not afraid of moisture, does not affect the drainage, is not easy to plug, easy to install and maintain, good load-bearing performance.Even if the manhole cover is damaged or lost, it can still prevent pedestrians from accidentally falling into the well and maximize pedestrian safety."

Passing by the scene of the citizen zhou guangrong experience the effect of anti - falling mesh manhole cover.He stepped on the top of the manhole cover and shook it firmly.Zhou guangrong said he weighed 75 kilograms and stepped on the manhole cover.

"According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 9,000 Wells with a depth of less than 2 meters, and 19,300 Wells with a depth of more than 2 meters."Officials from the jiulongpo district municipal bureau said 29,000 inspection Wells across the region will be covered with anti-falling nets before the rainy season.Among them, the well cover less than 2 meters deep should be equipped with 1 anti-falling net, and the well cover more than 2 meters deep should be equipped with 2 anti-falling nets, so as to guarantee the safe passage of citizens.

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